In The Media

I discovered that my video on Youtube about Corns and Callus had been viewed some 762,000 times! That is extraordinary and makes me appreciate just how important it is to have podiatrists talking on social media, in print, online and everywhere there is a media opinion requested.

There have been lots of media moments including a monthly column  in a womamns fitness magazine and a monthly slot on Talk Radio Europe with Selina McKenzie going out across South Spain and we had fun talking  all matters feet. Callers into the programme asked about heel pain, flat feet and it was great being able to talk to people and chat through various foot ailments!

Daily Telegraph Sept 2018 all about Fungal Toenails - very glamorous! 

May 2018 an article in the Daily Express on how our feet swell in the heat and we need to wear bigger shoes.

March 2018 - an article in Femail by Alice Smellie on how to look after your feet. My top tips were scrubbing feet and metatarsal exercises.

Octobers 2017 was ten things that feet can tell you about the rest of your body....

All these videos clearly demonstrate I like to talk feet! Some are old now - we have always been ahead of the curve! And I am clearly older and wiser. 

I trust they are of some help to you.

Emma Supple

An appearance on GMTV  on high heels (just 7 days after Dolly was born) 

An article on high heels ( just 5 weeks after Dolly was born!)

Emma Supple on Ten years Younger - my work on corns, callus and functional hallux limitus!


With best wishes

Emma Supple 

020 8367 9292 for enquiries



Please note

The information contained within is for educational purposes  only.

As with any health information please contact your health professional for individual tailored and specific advice.  

Emma Supple 

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